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Gathering of logics, which wont turn into false = logical improvement

From logic wiki

Theory, that will turn into false

   ① Theory with contradiction
        ⑴ Theory with two approximation 
            (if contradiction within approximation )
   ② Theory not match to real observation
   ③ Theory with no reason 
   ④ Theory from experiment, confirmed in super limited observers
   => when theory clear ①②③④, 
   that theory become durable theory.

⑴ if we use Theory, that will turn into false, continue theory will be false ⑵ if we remain theory, which clear ①②③④, our logic remain without collapse.

Theory, that wont turn into false (example)

   1⃣ logic, to certificate true & false
   2⃣ logic, cover all possibility
   3⃣ reason of observation, before experiment