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How to create many new safe products

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Revision as of 10:57, 6 February 2025 by (talk) (Created page with "How to create many new safe products point: 1⃣ check True or False of technology ⑴ physical theory of past Human, sometimes not perfect ⑵ hacking measurement 2⃣ write easy to read tech text ⑴ text, newbie can read is best ⑵ text volume, can read within limited time, better 3⃣ nice Test system, to check knowledge => support education 4⃣ keep input & output information ⑴ get new tech info fom outsid...")
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How to create many new safe products point:

   1⃣ check True or False of technology
       ⑴ physical theory of past Human, sometimes not perfect
       ⑵ hacking measurement
   2⃣ write easy to read tech text
       ⑴ text, newbie can read is best
       ⑵ text volume, can read within limited time, better
   3⃣ nice Test system, to check knowledge => support education
   4⃣ keep input & output information
       ⑴ get new tech info fom outside
       ⑵ get support from outside
       ⑶ supply some info or product to maintain popularity
   5⃣ let's challenge to new tech
       ⑴ in history, how new tech grows ?
       ⑵ list up what your team can do now => what can become possible ?
   6⃣ ground to test & check new tech
       ⑴ humans can be good teacher, when check several tech in real world, with low cost
   7⃣ good use of automation
       ⑴ what type of work, should reduce time cost ?
       ⑵ into what study, we should invest time ?
       ⑶ we can use automation, partial
   8⃣ support motivation of tech developpers
       ⑴ newspaper in team 
       ⑵ future vision manga in team
   9⃣ standard within several products
       = similler structure within product, 
         to increase usability of products
       example in past:
       ⑴ usb standard 
       ⑵ electric plug standard 
       ⑶ program languages
   🔟 gather popularity of product
       ⑴ connection with other poduct 
       ⑵ quarity 
       ⑶ after service
