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7 February 2025

N    05:30  Circle shape logical tie may necessary, to maintain logic trustivity in long term 3 changes history +1,078 [Answerer777 (3×)]
05:30 (cur | prev) +1 Answerer777 talk contribs
05:29 (cur | prev) +10 Answerer777 talk contribs
05:28 (cur | prev) +1,067 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "to maintain logic, we always need circle shape logical tie point: 1⃣ theory need its reasoning theory to certification 2⃣ if all theory have their reaosn, all theory need nother theory to certificate 3⃣ when all theory certificate with other theory, logical tie is circle shape new discovery : 1⃣ when logical tie not contains circle in shape, there are end point of logical tie 2⃣ end point of logical tie => theory that have no re...")
     05:29 Deletion log Answerer777 talk contribs deleted page To maintain logic trustivity, circle shape logical tie always necessary (move article to other title)
     05:28  Main Page diffhist +11 Answerer777 talk contribs
     04:31  (Upload log) [Answerer777 (2×)]
04:31 Answerer777 talk contribs uploaded File:Logical gate.png
04:23 Answerer777 talk contribs uploaded File:System to confirm lolgical tie.png

4 February 2025

N    07:29  How to investigate diffhist +521 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "hints to predict hidden informations ⑴ visible info, tells us 1 input & output quantity 2 input & output frequency 3 Movement Of Profit 4 where can store info 5 energy consumptions ⑵ invisible info, also tells us 1 visible info type 2 invisible info type => where is visible, and where is invisible ? => where is precious info, that is unvisible ? 3 somethin...")
     07:28  (Deletion log) [Answerer777 (2×)]
07:28 Answerer777 talk contribs deleted page Study how to investigate (will move into page with new title)
07:24 Answerer777 talk contribs deleted page Theory, that wont turn into false equal logical inprovement (title wrong)
N    07:18  Gathering of logics, which wont turn into false = logical improvement diffhist +740 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with " Theory, that will turn into false ① Theory with contradiction ⑴ Theory with two approximation (if contradiction within approximation ) ② Theory not match to real observation ③ Theory with no reason ④ Theory from experiment, confirmed in super limited observers => when theory clear ①②③④, that theory become durable theory. ⑴ if we use Theory, that will turn into false, continue theory will be false...")
     07:17  Main Page 2 changes history +75 [Answerer777 (2×)]
07:17 (cur | prev) +10 Answerer777 talk contribs
06:29 (cur | prev) +65 Answerer777 talk contribs

2 February 2025

N    07:52  How to write easy to read contents diffhist +968 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "How to write easy to read contents hurdles : 1⃣ professional word, with only name of someone, sometimes meaning not clear to readers (example: professional word with theory name) 2⃣ too long text, hard to search conclusions 3⃣ if start point of theory not clear, logical path from start point to land point (conclusion) not clear. 4⃣ if two conclusions in 1 article, meaning of text, looks like mixing to view...")
N    02:51  How to maintain solve speed diffhist +1,653 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "How to maintain solve speed ? lets think real situation. 1⃣ when paper on table are too many, is it good environment to study ? 2⃣ when your textbook contains not related info, is it good textbook to study ? 3⃣ when we does physics homework, if physics text have over 10000 pages, is it good text to search theory ? 4⃣ lets think situation, your friend had study 10 hour in 1 day before. if your friend...")
N    02:24  How to set rules, that can continue diffhist +1,172 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "How to set rules, that can continue ? rules helps us to continue regular lifes Q when rules become hard to continue ? A when rules are far from reality A when rules are non effective A when rules are hard to continue ( when profit from rules become non visible ) logic may help us to create our rules. lets think about rules. 1⃣ rules changeable or not 2⃣ rules info quantity, have data limit or not 3⃣ can rules select True or False ? 4⃣ feel...")
     02:07  And, or, in our certification diffhist +94 Answerer777 talk contribs
N    02:05  Elemental theory of logic, we can believe 2 changes history +651 [Answerer777 (2×)]
02:05 (cur | prev) +8 Answerer777 talk contribs
02:05 (cur | prev) +643 Answerer777 talk contribs (Created page with "Elemental theory of logic, we can believe point : 1⃣ we use logic to certificate theory True or False 2⃣ if logic is not common Truth, we cant share outcome of certification 3⃣ then we cant doubt logic, that use to certificate True or False what kind of logic & meaning, that use to certificate True or False ? 1⃣ And, or, in our certification 2⃣ True & false 3⃣ if (hypothesis) 4⃣ then writer recomme...")